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Horticulture Lighting Services

At GPS Electric, our Horticulture Lighting services are tailored to nurture your indoor gardening and horticultural ambitions with meticulous care. We are committed to expanding horticultural expertise, customized solutions, and energy-efficient designs.

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Lighting Design

and Layout

Designing customized lighting layouts that maximize plant growth and yield. Calculating light intensity, duration, and spectral requirements based on plant types and growth stages.

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Recommending and installing horticulture-specific lighting fixtures, including high-intensity discharge (HID) lamps, LED grow lights, and fluorescent lighting systems. 

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Ensuring proper fixture positioning and mounting to optimize light distribution and coverage.

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Implementing lighting control systems, including timers, dimmers, and automated controls, to regulate light cycles and intensity. Integrating smart horticulture lighting solutions for remote monitoring and control.

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Adjusting light spectra to match the specific light absorption needs of different plants and growth phases, enhancing photosynthesis and overall plant health.

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Energy Efficiency Solutions

Designing energy-efficient lighting setups to reduce operational costs and environmental impact.

Incorporating LED technologies with customized spectra for efficient energy consumption.

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UV and IR


Incorporating ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) lighting to stimulate plant growth and control pests and diseases.

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Lighting Maintenance

Providing routine maintenance services, including cleaning, bulb replacement, and fixture inspections, to ensure consistent light quality and plant growth.

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Light Intensity Monitoring

Installing light intensity sensors and meters to monitor and adjust light levels for optimal plant growth.

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Coordinating horticulture lighting with heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems to maintain ideal environmental conditions for plant cultivation.

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Compliance and Safety

Ensuring compliance with electrical and safety regulations to guarantee the safety of personnel and property. Obtaining necessary permits and certifications for horticulture lighting setups.

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Light Schedules and Programming

Developing customized light schedules and programming to align with specific plant growth requirements and light cycles.

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Remote Monitoring and Control

Implementing remote monitoring and control systems that allow clients to adjust lighting parameters and monitor plant conditions from a distance.

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Conducting energy audits to assess the overall energy efficiency of horticulture lighting systems and recommend improvements. Identifying opportunities for energy rebates and incentives.

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Conducting training sessions for homeowners or facility personnel on the operation, maintenance, and best practices of horticulture lighting systems.

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Safety and Compliance

We adhere to stringent safety regulations and electrical codes to ensure a secure and compliant horticulture lighting environment.

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